user chat

Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

turning 19

today is my birthday hehe

im very happy with no reason gitu meskipun ga ada ucapan secara langsung tatap muka ataupun kejutan sampai jam 9.32 pagi ini

tapi rasanya seneng banget meskipun ulang tahun berarti usia harapan hidup ku berkurang satu:)) tapi di hari spesial gini orang-orang yang udah lama ga hubungan kaya cuma semacam chat sama aku aja sekarang jadi ngechat dan pasti ngobrol, kadang orang-orang yang ga aku kenal aja ngucapin itu rasanya kaya membuka pintu buat temen baru gitu hehe so happy to meet and know new people

pagi ini aku buka hp dan liat salah satu chat dari temen aku yg nyatain perasaan nya haha rasanya............biasa aja wkwk maksutnya aku ga ikut baper kaya dulu:)) kalo dulu sekali ada yg bilang suka aku nyoba buat suka balik tapi kalo sekarang jadi kaya lebih selektif wooooo alya turns mature bgt?

well actually i continue this post at july but its ok kan? haha
yesterday there's someone ask my age and i answer while thinking, i mean i forgot my own age hahaha
as i grow up i really dont want getting older it's sucks and fun sometimes
theres so much things that i wish i've done this at long time ago but hey here's me in 19 trying everything!

im the type of person that easily forget everything, like ev-ery-thing

i forgot hows the feeling of my birthday 2 moths ago but i got something that i shouldnt post but i really want to! i jst cant stand not to post this:( well i will insert those in this post then haha

im  so sorry fot not edited at all photos ; not wearing our veils ; and those bare face haha

p.s : this post was made on may 6th but end up posted at 12 july teehee

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